Army Nicholes Community Library

This library has not been visited or assessed by our team. The below unprocessed information is provided for reference only. None of this information has been verified by Above The Seas.

Army Nicholes Community Library R E P O R T    C A R D
In our network Not yet
Library visited by our team Not yet
Library visit date N/A
Library context
This library needs:
(reviewed and approved by ATS)
Region Bungule Village, Voi, Kenya
Google maps link Locate on Google Maps (approx.)
Address located at Coast, Taita county, Bungule Village. Some 40kms off Maungu in Kasighau location, Voi constituency.
Postal address P.O Box 27, Voi
Point of contact Flora Mwavondo
Website N/A
Email N/A
Year founded 2002
Serving population Approximately 500 this is because there are about 5 villages that use this as the facility
Surface size (approx.) Not sure but its big
Access to electricity Yes
Number of visitors per day (approx.)
Number of seats 31
Number of tables 4
Number of books Not Sure
Internet No
Wireless Internet available (Wifi) No
Internet speed N/A
Number of computers 2 computers, not working
Services offered Book borrowing
Support this library directly Please contact the library for more information on how to donate directly.
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