Boulder Public Library (for comparison only)

This library is not in our network. We included its report card information to serve as comparison with libraries in Kenya. The Boulder Public Library is a good example of the level and quality of service given to an afluent and educated community.

Their 2012 annual budget was USD $7,722,355. The annual budget of a community library in Kenya is on average $6,000 and often serves a community larger than Boulder. Comparatively, the Boulder library budget is about 1,300 times more than one in Kenya. Interestingly, the median American income is approximately $50,000 while in Kenya it is $2,000. In other words, Americans income is 25 times more than Kenyans, and can therefore invest even more in library services.

Let's compare books; the Boulder library has 333,432 books. A typical Kenyan library has less than 5,000 books. That is a factor difference of 66 times. Too many libraries in East Africa have fewer than one thousand books. This is 333 times less books compared to Boulder library. Take note, the city of Boulder also has the University of Colorado library, which contains twelve million books, periodicals, and government publications .

Certainly, we are not responsible for this extreme difference or have any obligation to change it. However, we do believe supporting community libraries in developing countries is an important cause and can help tip the balance toward a more educated and stable society.

A good source of American library statistics is found at

Boulder Public Library (for comparison only) R E P O R T    C A R D
In our network No (included for reference)
Library visited by our team Yes
Library visit date January 5, 2014
Library context The library provides a wide ranges of services to the Boulder community. Boulder is an affluent city of about 101,000 people. The city is often rated as one of the most educated in America.
This library needs:
(reviewed and approved by ATS)
The library is currently undergoing major removations and adding more quality space to better serve the community.
Region Boulder, Colorado, USA
Google maps link Locate on Google Maps (approx.)
Observations The library has four branches with a large collection of books and free high-speed access to the Internet.
Address 1001 Arapahoe Ave., Boulder, CO 80302, USA
Postal address 1001 Arapahoe Ave., Boulder, CO 80302, USA
Point of contact N/A
Year founded 1906
Serving population 101,000
Surface size (approx.) Very big
Access to electricity Yes
Number of visitors per day (approx.) About 300+
Number of seats Over 200
Number of tables About 100
Number of books 333,432
Internet Yes
Wireless Internet available (Wifi) Yes
Internet speed Fast
Number of computers 40
Services offered Many services are offered; refer to their website for more information:

Book borrowing
Research assistance
Book & Discussion Groups
Boulder Arts Resource
Circulating NOOK e-Readers
Computers, Internet Access & Printing
Library & Arts Programs
Multicultural Outreach
Notary Service
Readers Services - The Reading Room
Social Networking and Media
Special Services
Support this library directly How you can support the Boulder Public Library:
Additional supporting material Annual report for 2012

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